The Vegan 3 Peaks Team

Andrew Taylor
Andrew Taylor aims to be “your trustworthy vegan plumber.” His skill within dark, wet environments may have given him an unfair advantage on this event, which he appeared to complete with ease. For his next event he’s planning to jump out of an aeroplane dressed as a banana. He can be forgetful so we hope he’ll remember his parachute.

Jules Howliston
Jules Howliston has worked for the Vegan Society, the League Against Cruel Sports, and once ran her own vegetarian/vegan cafe in Leeds. She’s now training to be a teacher. She excelled herself on this event, climbing Mt Snowdon in three hrs flat, and consequently limping through a succession of serious pain barriers to complete all three mountains in well under 24 hours.

Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight is the Founder of the Extreme Vegan Sporting Association, the President of Animals Count, and the individual responsible for this mad, mad idea. By day he is a veterinary ethicist who practices veterinary medicine in London. His Australian ancestors evolved over millennia to lie on warm, sunny beaches under perfect blue skies. Consequently he is terrified of cold, dark places. However he is planning to climb Mt Blanc next, brains not being his strongest point.

Jasmijn de Boo
Jasmijn de Boo is the Leader of Animals Count and our chief cook. Her mountains of vegan pasta, potatoes and vegan sheese somehow managed to keep us alive. She was far too smart to actually attempt these climbs herself.

Will was our talented camera-man and spiritual advisor. He moonlights under a secret identity as a rather fine fantasy author, his talents in this field being exceeded only by his appetite.